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eSafety Resources

eSafety Resources

eSafety Champions are teachers, wellbeing professionals or staff representatives who make online safety a priority in their schools. They are given the skills, tools and knowledge to keep their school safe online.

Our eSafety Champion is Mr Adam Williams.

eSafety Champions:

  • have access to eSafety's expert education and training team.
  • receive the latest news about eSafety resources, events and online safety updates.
  • are supported by eSafety to deal with online issues in their school community.
  • have access to online training and events with eSafety specialists.
  • help to safeguard against online harms and promote positive online experiences.

For families

There is also a range of resources available for parents and caregivers to help your child have safe and positive online experiences. Visit the eSafety Parent page for tips, tools, webinars and other helpful information on topics like screentime, gaming, building good habits and more.